Park Place Bark

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Going Green With Your Pet!

Alright, now is the time where we pet owners must think about what we can do to leave a smaller footprint on the earth. Considering everything nature has provided for us, I think it's about time for us to give back.

For dog owners, consider using biodegradable poo bags. Why? Think about it this way–I walk about 10-15 dogs/day and pick up about 10-15 poops/day not including my own dogs. Now think about all the other dog owners and dog walkers, think about high rise buildings, it adds up! Let's make it a little easier for the planet! For cat owners there are biodegradable cat liner bags AND even if you don't use liners think about scooping your litter into a biodegradable bag! I scoop into biodegradable dog poop bags.

Read packaging labels! You may think your bags are biodegradable but once you look closer they say nothing of the sort. One bag that I highly recommend is called Bio Bags. They are even compostable! WOOHOO!

Think about the chemicals you put onto and into your pets bodies. Talk to your vet, find out more about Frontline, Heartguard, Advantage etc. Ask if you live in an area where you need to be using these chemicals 12 months a year. Ask about annual shots and boosters. You might not need to use them if you don't board your pooch/kitty or take your pup to day care. Start questioning things!

At your home, think about what your pet is laying on. Is it a bed that is filled with a toxic foam? Does it have natural fibers in it? What about your pets collar and leash? Bowls? Food? All of these things have a large impact on the environment. Buy the largest bag of food available in order to cut back on packaging waste. Recycle wet food cans! Don't use bottle water for your pet. Get a Brita! When choosing a cat litter use a natural one instead of clay based! They smell great, plus they clump...I promise. Some brands that work great are VetBasis (lavender scented), Worlds Best Cat Litter, Nature's Miracle and Arm & Hammer (natural one).

I will also be writing a post for humans and how to green up your life and make your carbon footprint smaller. I know that it can seem like one person making changes doesn't make a difference but I guarantee it does! Keep checking back for my next post!



1 comment:

Bernie Berlin said...

Just found your blog!!! I'm with you on the going green:)